Student Life

Build lifelong friendships with fellow students who share your interests, passions, and perspectives.

The education we provide prepares students for success in today’s healthcare environment.

We believe that a well-rounded education is essential to the success of our students at Carmel College of Nursing. Besides nursing programs, we also provide language training and extra skill development programs to prepare our students for the challenges of today’s healthcare industry.

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Student organizations
and clubs on campus


Public programs every


Students living in on-
campus housing

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Technical Skill Development Programs

We offer students specialized training in areas such as Microsoft Office essentials, electronic health records management, and clinical research through our technical skill development programs. Our programs are developed with industry experts, ensuring the most relevant and up-to-date training for our students.


We also offer language training courses, such as IELTS and OET, to help our students improve their English proficiency. The language trainers at our institute are highly qualified and experienced, and they offer personalized coaching to assist students in achieving their language proficiency goals.

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Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?